Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Cubano William Levy Selected as Christian Grey in Fifty Shades Of Grey


Miami rumors that Cuban born Latin heart breaker William Levy has been chosen to star as handsome and hot billionaire Christian Grey in the exploding new women porno movie "Fifty Shades of Grey. William Levy who was born in Havana Cuba first made his American TV debut as the hottest Cuban Hunk ever on Dancing with the Stars. William basically stole the dance show as women flocked to their TV's to watch his hot Latino body shake them hot and silly. Mario Lopez suggested role to Levy as the"Fifty Shades of Grey" porno movie role of rich, athletic, romantic and gorgeous multimillionaire Christian Grey for William Levy. William will do well in his American career as this would be one of the most important male lead roles in Hollywood.

William Levy - 2012 Dancing with the Stars cel...
William Levy  (Photo credit: Movie-Fan)


William Levy's Latin fans know that Havana's loss is Miami's gain and William would make a perfect Christian Grey since he already is the number one latin soap star in all of Latin America and the huge American Latin audience. He even landed the role as the number one spoles person for Pepsi so expect to see alot more of William Levy  in commercials and on your TV screen as the male solution to Sofia Vagara. William Levy is as close to perfection as any Latino man can be with his massive rock hard muscular chest and super cute ruggedly boyish good looks.
This role of Christian Grey will be the number one dream role for any Hollywood Latin leading man and many have been suggested but it looks like William is set to be selected according to Miami movie insiders. Latino women would love William bring all of their Fifty Shades fantasies to life on screen and off screen to fulfill romantic dreams in real life, but they will have to settle for the big screen Movie debut of "Fifty Shades Of Grey"

Millions of Latin and now American women are getting a little hot under thier panties at the thought of being William Levy's love slave  and blushing red hot just thinking about William's incredible perfect muscular strong body so when William Levy said he thinks all men should be like exactly like Christian Grey? Grantee that women al over the world did not know whether to explode or just take a ice cube shower.

Vote here for William Levy to play the handsome millionaire Christian Grey in the steamy romantic erotic porno "Fifty Sades of Grey?

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Sunday, May 13, 2012


Cubans Celebrate Happy Mother Day

Call Cuba Cell Phone Bonus

Cuban Cellular company Cubacel has a Mothers Day promotion that gives you twice as much calling time for half the cost if you buy long distance calls to Cuba for talking with your mother.
Its called  Double Mother's Day Bonus and is available at www.HablaaCuba.com.

Starting May 1 at to June 1 Cubacel will offer to double minutes to the balance of the cell phone for Mother's Day so you can talk with your mother twice as long courtesy of Cuba Cell. This offer is sure to please all Cubans who wish to communicate and congratulate their mothers, family and loved ones.

You can also purchase this Cubacel Double minutes offer as an excellent gift for family and friends in a simple way to double the value of the long distance investment for a lot less money.
All you have to do is recharge your mothers cell phone in Cuba within this month with any price over 20 CUC or more which automatically Cubacel doubles the payment minutes credited to your Cuban recipient's phone .

The Etecsa Cubacel Double minutes for half the price promotion do not expire and the balance recharge free bonus have no time limit for usage so you cannot loose any value with this Cubacel promotion.
You can use the Cellphone or mobile credits to recharge on all prepaid cellular services and all international prepaid calling cards of Cubacel.

Visit www.HablaaCuba.com
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Friday, November 4, 2011


Cuban Apartment for Sale in Old Havana?

After 50 long years Miami Cubans will be allowed to buy and sell real estate openly, in Cuba thanks to Raul Castro and his new Cuban real estate laws. The method is simple transaction that allows Miami Cubans to send the full cash price of a Havana Condo, Varadero Villa or any other real estate property for sale in Cuba and send the Cash to Cuba to your family or relatives. The family back in Cuba then buys the property for cash and gets title in their name. They hold it for you for when the next law changes in Cuba that will allow anyone to own property in Cuba. That law may be a few years away but eventually it will come as many Cubans outside of Cuba are looking to buy investment rel estate back in Havana, Varadero or even anywhere in Cuba.
But plenty of restrictions remain.
Cuba House for Sale in Havana
Cuban American exiles officially continue to be banned from owning property in Cuba in thier name yet many have already sent tens of thousands of USD back to Cuba to eat, drink and now buy property like a second vacation home in Varadero or Cayo Coco. Cayo Largo or Trinidad.
The fact is 100% of the cash , money Euros and American green backs that come to Cuba are from
 outside Cuba.  Cubans do have access to Cuban money to start a real estate business, many Cubans try  to maintain title to family homes in the countryside, and the new law legalizes two property residences for vacation, beach or farming.

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Thursday, April 30, 2009


Office of the Press Secrectary

For Immediate Release April 13, 2009

SUBJECT: Promoting Democracy and Human Rights in Cuba
The promotion of democracy and human rights in Cuba is in the national interest of the United States and is a key component of this Nation's foreign policy in the Americas. Measures that decrease dependency of the Cuban people on the Castro regime and that promote contacts between Cuban-Americans and their relatives in Cuba are means to encourage positive change in Cuba. The United States can pursue these goals by facilitating greater contact between separated family members in the United States and Cuba and increasing the flow of remittances and information to the Cuban people.
To pursue those ends, I direct the Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Secretary of State, to take such actions as necessary to:
(a) Lift restrictions on travel-related transactions for visits to a person's family member who is a national of Cuba by authorizing such transactions by a general license that shall:
  • Define family members who may be visited to be persons within three degrees of family relationship (e.g., second cousins) and to allow individuals who share a common dwelling as a family with an authorized traveler to accompany them;
  • Remove limitations on the frequency of visits;
  • Remove limitations on the duration of a visit;
  • Authorize expenditure amounts that are the same as non-family travel; and
  • Remove the 44-pound limitation on accompanied baggage.
(b) Remove restrictions on remittances to a person's family member in Cuba by:
  • Authorizing remittances to individuals within three degrees of family relationship (e.g., second cousins) provided that no remittances shall be authorized to currently prohibited members of the Government of Cuba or currently prohibited members of the Cuban Communist Party;
  • Removing limits on frequency of remittances;
  • Removing limits on the amount of remittances;
  • Authorizing travelers to carry up to $3,000 in remittances; and
  • Establishing general license for banks and other depository institutions to forward remittances.
(c) Authorize U.S. telecommunications network providers to enter into agreements to establish fiber-optic cable and satellite telecommunications facilities linking the United States and Cuba.
(d) License U.S. telecommunications service providers to enter into and operate under roaming service agreements with Cuba's telecommunications service providers.
(e) License U.S. satellite radio and satellite television service providers to engage in transactions necessary to provide services to customers in Cuba.
(f) License persons subject to U.S. jurisdiction to activate and pay U.S. and third-country service providers for telecommunications, satellite radio, and satellite television services provided to individuals in Cuba, except certain senior Communist Party and Cuban government officials.
(g) Authorize, consistent with national security concerns, the export or reexport to Cuba of donated personal communications devices such as mobile phone systems, computers and software, and satellite receivers through a license exception.
(h) Expand the scope of humanitarian donations eligible for export through license exceptions by:
  • Restoring clothing, personal hygiene items, seeds, veterinary medicines and supplies, fishing equipment and supplies, and soap-making equipment to the list of items eligible to be included in gift parcel donations;
  • Restoring items normally exchanged as gifts by individuals in "usual and reasonable" quantities to the list of items eligible to be included in gift parcel donations;
  • Expanding the scope of eligible gift parcel donors to include any individual;
  • Expanding the scope of eligible gift parcel donees to include individuals other than Cuban Communist Party officials or Cuban government officials already prohibited from receiving gift parcels, or charitable, educational, or religious organizations not administered or controlled by the Cuban government; and
  • Increasing the value limit on non-food items to $800. This memorandum is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
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Sunday, March 22, 2009


Cubanos en Estados Uidos,
Perfil de una Comunidadn
Al comenzar el siglo XXI, la Oficina del Censo del Departamento de Comercio de Estados Unidos, basándose en cifras del Censo 2000, calcula que hay en Estados Unidos un millón 200 mil cubanos, cifra que podría ser mucho mayor si se tiene en cuenta que de los 35.3 millones de hispanos que vivían en este país en ese momento, hubo por lo menos seis millones que no especificaron su nacionalidad. Sin embargo, es de notar que el cubano que vive en Estados Unidos no tiende a negar u ocultar su país de origen
.Hay no sólo empresarios, sino también científicos, artistas, escritores, académicos, trabajadores de todo tipo y un grupo notable de activistas políticos que abogan por la democratización y el respeto a los derechos humanos en Cuba.
La comunidad cubano-estadounidense ha logrado elegir a cinco legisladores de su origen nacional a la Cámara de Representantes y al Senado de Estados Unidos: en el caso de la Cámara, Ileana Ros Lehtinen, republicana de Florida, que en 1989 se convirtió en la primera mujer laitna en llegar a ese cuerpo legislativo; Lincoln Díaz Balart, también republicano de Florida; Robert Menéndez, demócrata por New Jersey, este último nacido en Estados Unidos de padres cubanos; y más recientemente Mario Díaz-Balart, hermano de Lincoln y republicano como él. En 2004, Mel Martínez, republicano de Florida y ex secretario de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano del gobierno de George W. Bush, se convirtió en el primer cubano en llegar al Sen
En 1952 llegó a la televisión norteamericana el primer latino: Desi Arnaz, nacido en Santiago de Cuba, quien junto a su esposa norteamericana Lucille Ball, produjo uno de los más exitosos programas de todos los tiempos, "I Love Lucy".En los ámbitos académico, literario y de música culta no pocos cubanos han hecho historia en Estados Unidos, entre ellos el compositor Aurelio de la Vega, el profesor y escritor Enrico Mario Santí, el dramaturgo Matías Montes Huidobro, y tantos otros. El pintor Cundo Bermúdez, considerado el artista plástico cubano más relevante, se exilió en Puerto Rico en la década de los 60 y luego se mudó a Miami.ado.

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Censo de los Cubanos en US

Según el Censo 2000, los cubanos tienen el más alto nivel de educación entre los hispanos de Estados Unidos, con 23% de personas con 25 años de edad o más con un diploma universitario elemental. Los centro y suramericanos presentan el 17.4% de graduados del mismo nivel con la misma edad, los puertorriqueños el 13% y los mexicanos el 6.9%.

Por otra parte, la comunidad cubana presenta la edad media menos joven entre los hispanos, con 40.7 años, mientras que los mexicanos tienen 24.2 años, los puertorriqueños 27.3 años y la edad media de la población general del país es de 35.3 años.
Se calcula que el poder adquisitivo de los cubanos podría superar los 25 mil millones de dólares al año, tomando en cuenta ese renglón a nivel general en la población hispana de Estados Unidos y haciéndolo proporcional al porcentaje cubano dentro de la comunidad hispana, entre otros factores. Según el Selig Center for Economic Growth, de la Universidad de Georgia, la capacidad de compra de la comunidad hispana de este país es de 452 mil 400 millones de dólares. Pero cifras anteriores indicaban que el ingreso familiar medio de los cubanos era el más alto entre los hispanos, con alrededor de 45 mil dólares al año.
Es en el área empresarial donde, sin duda alguna, los cubanos han obtenido un éxito resonante en Estados Unidos. La Oficina del Censo reveló en marzo de 2001 que desde1997 los cubanos eran propietarios de 125,300 empresas que facturaban al año 26,500 millones de dólares.
MasTec, la empresa de telecomunicaciones fundada también por el extinto activista Jorge Mas Canosa y desde hace algunos años dirigida por su hijo Jorge Mas Santos, ha sido al menos durante 1999 y 2000 la única empresa hispana de este país en facturar más de mil millones de dólares al año.
Se estima que tres cuartas partes de los cubanos viven en el condado de Miami-Dade, en el Estado de Florida, cuyo punto más cercano a Cuba, Cayo Hueso (Key West), está a sólo 90 millas de Punta Icacos, Varadero, en la occidental provincia cubana de Matanzas
El área de New York-New Jersey tiene desde hace muchos años la segunda gran concentración de cubanos, con más de 150 mil, mientras que en California viven unos 75 mil cubanos.
ero la presencia o la influencia de cubanos en Estados Unidos no data desde la llegada de Castro al poder, sino desde mucho antes, inclusive desde la Revolución encabezada por George Washington contra la corona británica.
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George W. BushGeorge W. Bush (Image via RottenTomatoes.com)Al comenzar el siglo XXI, la Oficina del Censo del Departamento de Comercio de Estados Unidos, basándose en cifras del Censo 2000, calcula que hay en Estados Unidos un millón 200 mil cubanos, cifra que podría ser mucho mayor si se tiene en cuenta que de los 35.3 millones de hispanos que vivían en este país en ese momento, hubo por lo menos seis millones que no especificaron su nacionalidad. Sin embargo, es de notar que el cubano que vive en Estados Unidos no tiende a negar u ocultar su país de origen
.Hay no sólo empresarios, sino también científicos, artistas, escritores, académicos, trabajadores de todo tipo y un grupo notable de activistas políticos que abogan por la democratización y el respeto a los derechos humanos en Cuba.
La comunidad cubano-estadounidense ha logrado elegir a cinco legisladores de su origen nacional a la Cámara de Representantes y al Senado de Estados Unidos: en el caso de la Cámara, Ileana Ros Lehtinen, republicana de Florida, que en 1989 se convirtió en la primera mujer laitna en llegar a ese cuerpo legislativo; Lincoln Díaz Balart, también republicano de Florida; Robert Menéndez, demócrata por New Jersey, este último nacido en Estados Unidos de padres cubanos; y más recientemente Mario Díaz-Balart, hermano de Lincoln y republicano como él. En 2004, Mel Martínez, republicano de Florida y ex secretario de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano del gobierno de George W. Bush, se convirtió en el primer cubano en llegar al Sen
En 1952 llegó a la televisión norteamericana el primer latino: Desi Arnaz, nacido en Santiago de Cuba, quien junto a su esposa norteamericana Lucille Ball, produjo uno de los más exitosos programas de todos los tiempos, "I Love Lucy".En los ámbitos académico, literario y de música culta no pocos cubanos han hecho historia en Estados Unidos, entre ellos el compositor Aurelio de la Vega, el profesor y escritor Enrico Mario Santí, el dramaturgo Matías Montes Huidobro, y tantos otros. El pintor Cundo Bermúdez, considerado el artista plástico cubano más relevante, se exilió en Puerto Rico en la década de los 60 y luego se mudó a Miami.ado.
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